Our team
Eva Weinzinger
is founder, managing partner and proxy of TECHNOMA Technology Consulting and Marketing GmbH. She completed her studies of history and studied theology at the University of Vienna (Universität Wien). Her inter- and multidisciplinary knowledge as well as her further studies of English language and literatures at the University of Vienna offer great advantages to our company, that operates internationally in multicultural teams.

Dipl-Ing. Gerhard Weinzinger
Is the founder and the managing shareholder of Technoma Technology Consulting und Marketing GmbH. He studied electrical engineering (field of study: industrial electronics) at the Technische Universität Wien (TU) and subsequently successfully completed a BRW business-, law and economic sciences degree as a postgraduate as well as special training in the fields of project management (MCE Management Centre Brussels ), General Management (MCE Management Centre Brussels ), Certified Process Manager (Donau Universität Krems), and Risk Management according to ONR 49003 (at ON).
Mag. (FH) Konrad Röthel, M.A.
Has been Process- and Projectmanager at Technoma since 2009 and became director in 2020. He graduated from the commercial academy for company founding (Bundeshandelsakademie für Unternehmensgründung) and studied business economics for two years at the Wirschaftsuniversität Vienna (WU) afterwards. He subsequently switched to the FH of the bfi-Wien . His field of study there was „Logistik und Transportmanagement“ (Logistics and transport management). Additionally he completed a master’s degree at the FH Wien in field of “Marketing and Sales management”and is a certified TÜV quality auditor since June 2010 according to ISO/IEC 17024

Katharina Oberhofer
Since 2010 with the company and responsible for knowledge management and book keeping. Her studies of English language and literatures enable her to professionally prepare and execute project documentation, contacts with customers and specific topics.
Bernhard Grimm
Joined the company in 2019. He is responsible for the implementation of an internal digitalization strategy (in the sector of databases and process automation) and oversees the technical infrastructure and system administration. He completed the HTBLuVA in Mödling.