Duites of information as defined in § 5 Abs 1 E-Commerce-Gesetz and disclosure as per § 25 Mediengesetz:
TECHNOMA Technology
Consulting & Marketing GmbH
Jakob Thoma Straße 7
A-2340 Mödling near Vienna
Telefphone: +43 (0)2236 27590
Fax: +43 (0)2236 27590 – 40
Regulatory authority:
Federal ministry of Economic Affairs and Labour, Stubenring 1, 1011 Wien
Responsible chamber:
Federal Chamber of Economic Austria (WKÖ)- Trade and Commerce
job title:
Buisness Consulting
VAT registration number:
Responsible for the content and directors:
D.I. Gerhard Weinzinger
Mag.(FH) Konrad Röthel, MA
Landesgericht Wiener Neustadt, Maria Theresien-Ring 5, 2700 Wiener Neustadt
Commercial registries:
FN 46790i
media owner:
TECHNOMA Technology Consulting und Marketing GmbH, Jakob Thoma Straße 7, 2340 Mödling
links to others internet sites:
TECHNOMA Technology Consulting und Marketing GmbH offers on its sites links to other internet sites. For all of them TECHNOMA Technology Consulting und Marketing GmbH declares the following:”We expressly state that we do not have any influence on the design and content of the linked pages. Therefore we hereby distance ourselves explicity from the content of all pages that are linked from our website inclusive all sub-sites. This declaration applies to all on our homepage contained links for all content of these sites to which we have linked.”
For the content of the linked websites the responsibility lies exclusviely with the operators of these websites.
Any applicable laws can be found in the system of the Federal Office (